What is this word, love, Lord? Is it something that mere human beings to just nonchalantly say? Is it possible that we Christians casually preach without providing any evidence?
I am reading Your Word, Lord, in the quiet place of my soul. I see You there in my mind’s eye. You look beautiful, just like what Love would look like. When I read Your Word, Lord, I understand love, but when I feel the room… it does not look like Your Love.
I become saddened at what I read with the things that I see. Lord, it is not fruitful. I weep at the grace that’s missing. I mourn at the scorned look that they give to the one that is misunderstood.
Or am I the one that is misunderstanding? The accuser lies to me, Lord. He makes me question if I hear You. Jesus, You are my God who is near to me and the One who pursues me intently. You answer my prayers and You hear the hidden voice of the prayers I whisper in my heart. I hear Your leading and I do not feel I am lost. I am found by You and You have kept me.
Yet, there is a moment in a day that I step into a damaged road. The crack tends to break open and I seem to fall into what seems like a black hole. A millisecond of falling seems like it lasts for hours. The spiritual attacks come strongly and sometimes I feel as if I cannot catch a breath. Maybe I could be mistaken, but the more I read Your Word, Lord…
My questions still stands. How far do we love? Does it stop when it becomes uncomfortable? How much will we be stretched to understand Your love? Will we be baited by offense instead? Will we limit our love due to our need of security and comfort? Or do we walk the extra mile, Lord? Do we turn the other cheek?
Do we stop when we walk on the street and see an injured man? Will we share Your Word to the people who do not know You, Lord? Or do we keep within our comfort zone with those who maybe already know You? Will we give grace and patience to those that are longing for acceptance? Do we have Your kind of love to continually pursue them? The same way that You pursue us.
Lord, You say that Your church is in the heart of the beholder. Is it only within the four of walls of a building, Lord? The temple was allowed to be torn down. Your temple… but the temple wasn’t Your house. The Words You whisper to my spirit, Lord, they unravel me.
Who may abide in Your tabernacle, Lord? Who may dwell in Your holy hill? Your Holiness is enthroned in our praises! Where are our praises, Lord? I hear it, but it passes through my ears and my eyes see it change into a dark kind of shadow. It lurks around, Lord and it looks like it’s closing in.
Lord Jesus, I ask for Your protection in the dwelling places that is Yours. Protect their hearts from the manipulation the enemy is planning. Soften their hearts to see a Love that is You, especially when the comfort zone is threatened. Let us stretch so that we know Your kind of love. Lord, may we be willing.
Come close, oh God, to my ailing heart. Heal what is not yet healed. Comfort what I cannot comfort within myself. You gave me what You gave me so I can know how to love like you, Lord.
I’m stretched and it hurts. So I give it to You and bring You all my tears. Collect each one in Your bowl of prayers and whenever You command Your angels to pour them out, so shall it pour.
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