Makeup is part of a woman’s routine and even if it’s not everyday… it’s still part of our routine! I don’t wear makeup everyday, but I do put on makeup two to three times a week. That doesn’t mean that I don’t care about organizing the few makeup I have. Ever since we moved into this house last year, I’ve been doing my makeup on the floor and while that is fine… leaving the makeup on the floor is not. I had an acrylic organizer for all my makeup, but just looking at it on the carpet drove me nuts. Not to mention, it takes up the small area next to my bed even more. Don’t even get me started with the huge extra humongous floor mirror that I had. I don’t even know what I was thinking, but honestly when I just move into a new house… makeup vanity is the last thing on my mind. Luckily, almost one year later, I finally decided something had to be done!
First things first is the table… not! There is no way that a table can fit next to my bed. The closet takes up all the space throughout the right side of what you saw in the first picture so that’s a no can do. We are IKEA people over here, and last year we purchased picture ledges for the kids room and our office area. It’s such a nice item to hold the kids books next to their loft beds! I have no idea why I didn’t think of this last year, but this is also beyond perfect for my makeup. I’m laughing at my delay because it’s such an awesome idea if a table is not an option. Not to mention, much cheaper than what a table would cost. Of course, this wouldn’t work for those who have a makeup collection… but for someone like me who likes to only have her favorites, it is perfect! This size that I have is 21 3/4 inches wide and it costs $6.99, you guys! I purchased two for my makeup and tools, but I also snagged another one to put atop my mirror for some added prettiness.



Last but not least is of course is the stool. This is the priciest out of all the items we’ve seen here today at $35 dollars flat, but when you don’t even have to buy a table… it’s not so bad. This is the NILS stool and it comes without the fabric seat cover to allow you to choose your own. I picked this one just because, haha I have no idea why I picked it as I bought the stool cover for $14 about five years ago. They don’t even have this print anymore, actually and if you are great at sewing and creating your own super cool covers, you can buy the stool frame without the cover.If you’re terrible at sewing like me, you can actually buy the stool with the cover on it. Why didn’t they have this years ago? Thegray stool cover actually looks really nice. They also have a white cover as well, but I’m going to skip sharing you the link just because I think makeup and white fabric could be a disaster. Alright, my friends! I hope this post helped you on how to tackle over small areas for your makeup vanity. I truly enjoy this space much more now and I am loving, LOVING how my bedroom is much more cleaner because of this turnout. Thank you so much for visiting and until next time!
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Hi, I just wanted to let you know I was so inspired by this idea and made my own version in my small bedroom! Don’t have space for a stool but the picture ledges and mirror came to around £20 for me and I’m so pleased with how it looks! Thanks x