Prayers For The New Year

new years prayer

Reflecting on this year with all that I’ve learned and witnessing the prayers that have been answered only leads to the hopes and dreams for the new year that’s coming. God has been and always will be a good and just God…. this I know to be true. I don’t have many resolutions, but I do have a few prayers. Prayers that I hold dear as a woman, a wife, and as a mother.
I pray with both my heart and my mind that I continue to be who God has called me to be. A woman who loves the Lord that always pray and act for the kingdom of God. I pray that I gain the courage to share my testimony born as a Muslim who has been repeatedly called by God to find Him. I pray that I could muster enough strength to be completely weak and transparent to gain my brothers and sisters who has not yet known Jesus to be free, as He has freed me. I pray to be a woman who is not afraid to share the gospel of Jesus Christ, to continue and to grow to be a woman who delights in the Lord all the time.

new years prayer

I pray to be a mother who holds patience in her heart… who always remembers the joy in being a mother during any trials that my children will go through. I pray to always remember that these children, although born from my body, is indeed God’s sons and daughters. Children who is loved by God and created especially by His hands. I pray that I will be kind, respectful, patient, and loving towards these children of God’s, not only as my own but because God first loved them.

new years prayer

Last but definitely not the least, I pray for my marriage that it continues to rely on the foundation of God. I pray that we continue to pray together, to always be selfless for the other, and to seek God together. I pray as a wife, that I may not be quick to temper, but quick to understand and forgive. I pray that I will continue to be the wife that God has called me to be. A wife who will always hope, a wife who always relies on faith, and a wife who loves unconditionally.

These prayers I pray, Lord, I know it’s for your kingdom. It may start in myself and my family, but I see Your powers. I see the little bit of vision that you’ve shown me. You are a GREAT God who is always true, a wonderful God who sees everyone as worthy, and with these prayers, it shall be done. In Jesus name, Amen.




  1. Jennifer | BlushingHydrangea
    January 2, 2018 / 6:39 PM

    Prayer for me is like a cleansing of the soul. I have found so much strength and guidance through prayer. I love being able to read others stories about their communications with God or what ever their belief system maybe. Religion and prayer is a fascinating subject.

  2. Kimberly
    January 3, 2018 / 4:55 AM

    These are beautiful prayers! I share some of these same prayers, especially as a wife. Thanks for your transparency and sharing your heart.

  3. Evelyn, Path of Presence
    January 4, 2018 / 1:02 PM

    Thank you for sharing your devotional with us. You’ve got an absolutely BEAUTIFUL family and I wish you many many blessings and answered prayers. <3 Happy New Year!!

  4. Anna
    January 5, 2018 / 9:36 PM

    Very inspiring! I love your meaningful resolution!

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