Social Media, What Are You Doing To Us?

“How are you? Wow, I haven’t seen you in a long time!” “Wow. Do you remember when we were in Mr. Omar’s class in 9th grade?” “Oh here you are! I’ve wondered what happened to you when you moved suddenly!” I’m sure platforms such as social media started with good intentions of connecting people together. Whether it is an old classmate from middle school long ago, or a co-worker you…

The Different Ways We Live

I remember the quietness around me. I remember my mom in the kitchen preparing food for us. I also remember my dad coming home late at night after working a double job. I hear the sound of the keyboard in my brother’s room as he plays his video games. Soon after, I hear my mom’s television shows through the walls.  Walking in the rain to school was my normal because…


The Still Heart is a space to inspire a deeper love for Jesus. Here, you’ll find Bible studies, personal testimonies, and encouragement to help you grow in faith and live wholeheartedly for Him.

Whenever You Feel Less Than: Overcoming Insecurities

Do you ever feel like you’re less than you are? Do you ever feel like you are unworthy or alone? Most of us usually will never admit feelings like these because we are perceived to be strong and never to appear weak for some twisted purpose that we must seem perfect. Most of all, it’s hard to admit these feelings because that means that we actually have real fear and…

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