Fall Decorations With Hobby Lobby & MORE!

The time for sweater weather has come and not only does that alone gives me great joy, but what comes along with it is even more fun! Decorating for the Fall season gives my home such a cozy feel and it’s like an introduction for Thanksgiving that soon follows. In this post, I’ll be showing you a few stores I usually go to for fall decorations and some tips on…

Jujube Be Supplied Cleopatra Giveaway

Who loves giveaways? Who loves Jujube? Who loves Jujube giveaways?! Ahh, the time has come for my monthly giveaways. This month’s BIG giveaway is this Be Supplied in the new Cleopatra print. I’m so, so excited for you guys. This is a pump bag so this is especially awesome for you pumping mamas! Of course, that’s not it all can be used for, right? It’s Jujube after all – the…


The Still Heart is a space to inspire a deeper love for Jesus. Here, you’ll find Bible studies, personal testimonies, and encouragement to help you grow in faith and live wholeheartedly for Him.

Baby, I’ll Grow With You

I love my kids, I loved it when they were babies and I love it now that they are older. I reminisce so much about the times when they were little and think about the things that has helped me in the young motherhood life. One of my favorite all time favorite like God sent me an angel in the form of a baby product was the swing. Oh, it…

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